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Mepps Lures

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Mepps, Sheldons' Lusox
star 4/5
Mepps, Sheldons'
Lusox (in-line spinner)
[#0] [#1] [#2] [#3]
Mepps, Sheldons' Aglia
star 4/5
Mepps, Sheldons'
Aglia (in-line spinner)
[#00] [#0] [#1] [#2] [#3] plus...
Mepps, Sheldons' Syclops
star 4/5
Mepps, Sheldons'
Syclops (spoon)
[#00] [#0] [#1] [#2] [#3]
Mepps, Sheldons' Comet
star 4/5
Mepps, Sheldons'
Comet (in-line spinner)
[#00] [#0] [#1] [#2] [#3] plus...
Mepps, Sheldons' Aglia TW Streamer
star 4/5
Mepps, Sheldons'
Mepps, Sheldons' Bug
star 4/5
Mepps, Sheldons'
Bug (in-line spinner)
[#00] [#0] [#1] [#2]
Mepps, Sheldons' Black Fury
star 4/5
Mepps, Sheldons'
Black Fury (in-line spinner)
[#00] [#0] [#1] [#2] [#3] plus...
Mepps, Sheldons' Aglia Long
star 3/5
Mepps, Sheldons'
Aglia Long (in-line spinner)
[#00] [#0] [#1+] [#1] [#2] plus...
Mepps, Sheldons' Flying C
star 0/5
Mepps, Sheldons'
Flying C (softbait, in-line spinner)
[#4 - 5/8Oz] [#5 - 7/8Oz] [#3 - 3/8Oz] [#3 - 5/8Oz] [#3 - 7/8Oz]
Mepps, Sheldons' Marabou
star 2/5
Mepps, Sheldons'
Mepps, Sheldons' Spinflex
star 0/5
Mepps, Sheldons'
Spinflex (softbait, in-line spinner)
[#7] [#10] [#14]
Mepps, Sheldons' XD
star 2/5
Mepps, Sheldons'
XD (in-line spinner)
[#0] [#1] [#2] [#3]
Mepps, Sheldons' Winner
star 0/5
Mepps, Sheldons'
Winner (in-line spinner)
[#1] [#2] [#3] [#4] [#5]
Mepps, Sheldons' Aglia LongCast
star 3/5
Mepps, Sheldons'
Aglia LongCast (in-line spinner)
[#2] [#3] [#4] [#5]

Last tackle:

Booyah, Lurenet, PRADCO Fishing Moon Talker (spinnerbait)
Booyah, Lurenet, PRADCO Fishing Micro Pond Magic (spinnerbait)
Booyah, Lurenet, PRADCO Fishing Pond Magic (spinnerbait)
Booyah, Lurenet, PRADCO Fishing Counter Strike Buzz (buzzbait)
Booyah, Lurenet, PRADCO Fishing Counter Strike (spinnerbait)
Booyah, Lurenet, PRADCO Fishing Covert (spinnerbait)
Booyah, Lurenet, PRADCO Fishing Covert Finesse (spinnerbait)
Gambler Komodo (softbait)
Gary Yamamoto Paddle Tail Zako (swimbait, shad, softbait)
NetBait T-Mac Worm (worm)
Reaction Innovations Dipper (swimbait, shad, softbait)
River2Sea D-Walker (swimbait, shad, softbait)
Yum, Lurenet, PRADCO Fishing Spine Craw (craw)
Z-Man ChatterSpike (softbait)
Z-Man ChatterBait Elite Evo (chatterbait)
Z-Man TRD GobyZ (swimbait, softbait)
Z-Man ZinkerZ (worm)
Strike King Hack Attack Heavy Cover Spinnerbait (spinnerbait)

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