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Aile Magnet (Duel, Yo Zuri)

Aile Magnet (discontinued) - Duel, Yo Zuri
F=floating, S=sinking.
Duel, Yo Zuri Aile Magnet
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Manufacturer's infos:
Incorporation of the Magnetic Transfer System (PATENT) for covering wide range.
Sharp swimming sinking lures, Fast sinking outstanding casting distance.
The combination of the Magnet Transfer System and the off set lip has achieved all requirements for a sinking minnow at the highest level.
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Texte pour les destinataires / invités (facultatif):
namelengthweightyear country
F70 (discontinued)2 3/4"3/16ozjp
F90 (discontinued)3 1/2"3/8ozjp
F105 (discontinued)4 1/4"5/8ozjp
F125 (discontinued)5"1ozjp
70S (discontinued)2 3/4"5/16ozjp
90S (discontinued)3 1/2"1/2ozjp
Best price for Duel, Yo Zuri Aile Magnet: none price

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